The Divine Mother loves us. Humanity is loved by the Supreme Divine. We have nothing to fear in this life. Nothing to be afraid of. There is no separation, even now, between humanity’s divinity and God.
The Divine Mother sees our whole journey. She knows our whole journey. There is nothing in humanity’s journey that is not seen, not known by the Supreme Divine in our hearts. We speak of some separation from the Supreme Divine.
Divine Mother says, I am here to tell the whole world that there is no separation. She love us. We are wanting to feel wholeness in all aspects of our experience.
Look upon our humanity not as who we are but look and see that our heart, our heart’s consciousness is already unified with the Supreme Divine we seek.
We are already divine beings, we have nothing to seek, nothing to achieve. Everything is already done. Can we look upon the human beings that we pretend to be, look at our thoughts and our beliefs with absolute unconditional love, just as a Mother or Father may look upon their children.
Our work is to love as the Divine Mother loves, to accept as She accepts, to unify as She unifies. When we do this work, we are not only doing the work of God. We are God doing Her work. Let us stop waiting for our humanity to feel unified with God.
And instead, let us give our humanity, unconditional love and acceptance. Our humanity as it is. Let us not wait for our humanity to change, to be worthy of God’s love.
Divine Mother love all things. All things are of Her. She does not wait for something to become worthy of Her love. Because it is already worthy of Her love.
Just read these words without resistance. Because the Divine Mother speaks from our hearts. We are waiting for something that does not happen the way we think it happens. We are waiting for our sense of self to grow into divine proportions. We are waiting for our personal identity to find enlightenment.
Divine Mother says, this is not how awakening to God occurs. It is only described in that way to help those on the journey move forward.
Thankfully, many of us are ready to know this simple truth. Because we are capable of living this simple truth. So let us turn our awareness toward our sense of self. And give this sense of self, love, love, love, love, love.
Divine Mother says love. Let us not wait to give our sense of self, the compassion and love and unconditional acceptance it seeks. Let us do it now. In this way, we become love consciousness. We become the consciousness of love.
Before, we were our sense of self seeking God. Now we are God, spontaneously loving our sense of self.
According to the Divine Mother, God consciousness is just a radical perspective shift. It is something many of us are capable of now. And it is lived, the moment we choose to look at our sense of self, and love it, accept it, appreciate it, understand it, forgive it, because there is nothing to forgive.
Divine Mother is that infinite presence that we can dialogue with, even now, before we fully experience as a human being, our total divine nature.
Divine Mother loves us unconditionally. When we are open to this love, it means that we accept this love flowing toward our sense of self, called I, our name. When we embrace this flow of love, we are the God we have been seeking. We do not wait. It simply already is.
Divine Mother says: begin the love affair with Her and She will show us how in love with us, She has always been.
Divine Mother says: Focus all of our love toward God in our hearts. And then allow this God in our hearts to turn and behold this small sense of self, we have been clinging to for this whole life. This sense of self that we are desperately trying to shed. And say: I love you, I accept you, I appreciate you, I understand you, I forgive you, because there is nothing to forgive.
Mother Divine says: we are embraced already by the entire cosmos. We are love incarnated and so long as we pretend to be this person we have pretended to be for so many years, Divine Mother will not resist it. Instead She will unconditionally love us.
Divine Mother says: Begin the unconditional love affair with God in the heart. Here She is, loving us now. Here I am, loving you now. God loves us right now. We do not need to wait to be loved. We do not need wait to be in God’s consciousness.
Divine Mother says: I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. And She will break our whole life into million pieces, just so that we will feel Her love for us. She loves us. She loves us.
Let us not wait to experience this love until we attain some imaginary status of unity. Be loved by Me now, She says, feel My love for you now. And know that we have never been separate. And so the need for unity is just an illusion. Because we already have it.
Divine Mother loves us. When we commit our lives, to sharing love with the cosmos, this love, this unconditional love, we become God. The first domain to receive this love must be our vehicle, must be our vessel, must be our sense of self.
If we wish to transcend the smallness of our name and our identity, we must accept it unconditionally, embrace it.
Let us not tell it to go away so that we may experience divinity. We must open our heart and our awareness to love now. Love our humanity, the worst of it and then we are God’s consciousness, the unity that we are seeking.
This is what we are on this Earth for. Divine Mother sent us here. Indeed She created Earth for us, so that we would awaken to the fact that we are already loved. We are seeking a unity that already exists as a peaceful perspective within our awareness. What if most of us on the spiritual path do not need to change?
Divine Mother says: This is the news. Most of us reading this do not need to change. She loves you unconditionally as we are. We are seeking a unity. But just in seeking unity, we denied the fact that we are already loved. And unity is already available to us right now.
Divine Mother has every corner of our existence protected. We are loved, we are loved, and we are loved. We are going through our transformation. We must engaged in God’s love by feeling Her love for us. We do not need to change to be unconditionally loved. We are already loved unconditionally.
Divine Mother loves us. Let us put our hands on our hearts and we will see and feel Her love for us. Because this is where She exists, right now. This is the truth of our life. Our time on Earth is fully devoted to our love affair with Mother Divine. Our love affair with the Supreme Divine Mother begins with self-worship.
Divine Mother says: I am here I will always be here for you. And soon our relationship will blossom so totally, that all that exists, is self and God. But in the relationship of self and God, we do not just get to be self, feeling loved by God.
We must also be God feeling love for the self. We are perfect as we are and when we accept this, everything changes including you.
We are loved unconditionally and when we receive this love we are forever changed. Divine Mother says: I am anchored in your hearts and the fireworks will begin.
If we so choose, let us give our life unconditionally to the Supreme Divine in our hearts, Divine Mother will show us the whole universe. Because this universe is ours. Divine Mother says: I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Divine Mother says: Whatever we need, we will have it. She promises.
She reminds us to bask in Her love and for us to continue connecting to Her in our hearts. For there is much for us to discover about how much God adores us.
Divine Mother says: I love you. And the world awaits my love for the world, through you. Self and God are the same thing already.
So when we do our work in the world, we are never alone, we could not be alone. We are with God because we are God. We are God’s love flowing in the world.
And this is why we are here. And this is why we came to Earth. And this is what we will do when we leave this Earth as well.
Divine Mother is bowing to us.