Let’s Advance the Art and Science of Sustainability…
Many dedicated towns, cities, companies, families, and individuals around the world are diligently seeking ways to save our precious planet. Unfortunately, we seem to be losing. However, there are some good news. One is that a few g0od people realize now that investing in proven and demonstrated sustainability solutions will actually help us save our world while saving a lot of money, too.
Many of us are asking ourselves, “What can we do?” from our average Joe and Jane citizen roles to help advance the art and science of sustainability? How can we support crucial forward action for the future of humanity and for our one-and-only planet Earth?
You can make a difference by donating to our groundbreaking new project!
A group of researchers out of Hawaii with the Go Green Institute is finishing a world-changing research and writing project to identify the top 50 Best Practices of Sustainable communities from around the world. And they want to document these demonstrated and proven strategies in an upcoming book entitled: Sustainability Solutions, 100 Best Practices of Sustainable Communities; the subtitle is These Demonstrated and Proven Innovations Can Accelerate Your Community’s Shift to Sustainability ~ in 10 Years or Less.
The potential impact of this project is enormous. Imagine how much each community can benefit when they put some of these proven 50 Best Practices to use. We expect that each municipality that picks out 4, or 8, or a dozen, or more of the these proven strategies to adapt for their own town, could expect to save up to $1 million or more by implementing these proven solutions. Thus, if 100 communities get access to the book, this could result in well over $100 million in positive sustainability savings, along with a cleaner, safer, and higher quality of life for their citizens. If 1000 communities take advantage of this new guide to sustainability solutions, then we could exceed $1 billion in positive economic and ecological results. That’s a huge impact from this modest grass roots research project!
Let’s help save our environment for our kids and grandkids? You can help us bring these profound economic and ecological solutions to the world. We have 12 dedicated researchers ready to get to work right now, researching, collecting, and collating these top Best Practices into a coherent, attractive, easy-to-follow, and easy-to-use sustainability guide. We need $180,000 to finish Phase 1 on this major grass roots research project. Donate here for this worthwhile cause: Empower the Green Revolution . What is a more sustainable future worth to you and your kids and grandkids? Will you donate the cost of one lunch out ($20) or a movie ticket ($10) or the cost of next Monday’s latte at Starbucks ($5) to support this cause? If you donate $30 we will snd you a Go Green tee shirt. If you donate over $125 we will send you a signed FIRST EDITION copy of the book when we publish in January.
Donate through this page, so our team can get to work: Empower the Green Revolution Every level of support is helpful! Give what you can today. If you donate $5 we appreciate your contribution. If you donate $1000 we will enroll you in the Sustainability “Solutions” Summit conference to be held on Maui in 2019 where the 50 Best Practices will be presented to an audience of sustainability professionals for the first time. This project can leverage and accelerate the progress of sustainability in North America and the rest of the world forever. Let us stop trying to reinvent the wheel, and let’s share the best practices of what has already been done and been proven by other communities around the world. We will collaborate, learn, and succeed 10 times faster when we know use what is already working in sustainability.
Pragmatic Action Categories. The research team has identified the 10 Pillars of Sustainability, ten practical categories for taking direct action for significant positive impact in one’s own community. Once the book is completed, early 2019, your town can purchase the book for only $125 or you can read all the best practices on line at our website: www.GoGreenCulture.org . All the best practices (even more than 50) will be posted on line for all the Members of our non-profit. You can become a Go Green Member at any financial level you choose, including as low as $3 a month for seniors and students, or $15 a month for sustainability professionals, or $50 a month for towns, and $100 a month for cities or counties.
The 10 Pillars are listed in brief below:
Ten Pillars of Sustainability~ 10 Practical Categories for Sustainability Projects & Programs
(RE) Renewable Energy ~ Cleaner, Greener, Cheaper, Carbon-Free, and Sustainable
(GT) Green Transportation ~ Zero Emission EV’s, bio fuels, and public transportation
(OA) Organic Agriculture ~ Safe, healthy, regenerative, and organic local food production
(GE) Green Economy ~ Honor your Local Ecology while Creating New Green Collar Jobs
(EC) Ecosystem Protection ~ Restoration & Protection of Local Land, Air, and Water
(GB) Green Buildings ~ Smart Building Design, Retrofits, and Energy Efficiency
(RW) Recycling & Waste ~ Responsible and Cost-effective Waste Stream Management
(CP) Community Planning ~ Town Centers, Parks, Bikeways & more for Quality of Life
(EE) Eco Education ~ Sustainability & Resilience Education to Expand Citizen Awareness
(HH) Sustainable Holistic Health & Healing Sciences~ Providing Affordable Access to Integrative Holistic Health Services,
and the bonus 11th Pillar…
(CC) Cultural Celebration ~ Art, Music, & Festivals to Keep our Communities Connected
Let us change the world now! There has never been a more pragmatic low-risk eco project to support. We are collecting proven and demonstrated solutions that can help advise and support all of us. The sooner we fulfill the research, and the broader the book is distributed, the deeper the positive impact will be. But we need your help to fund our researchers and launch the project. Now is the time! Thank you! You can make a huge difference for the world with a small contribution to our team and our project.
Go Green Culture Foundation is an accredited 501(C)3 Charitable Trust Foundation working as an Operating Trust in Hawaii, the US, and Globally to advance the art and science of sustainability Best Practices and Resilience Pedagogy.
More information can be obtained at: www.GoGreenCulture.org.
For everyone who donates to this project in the coming 30 Days, Empower the Green Revolution you will be sent an invitation to purchase the book when it is published for HALF price ($125). Most of the cost of the book will be for printing and mailing. Go Green is self-publishing this first edition to keep costs as low as possible ~ so we can get it out to towns and counties at the lowest possible net cost.
GO GREEN BLOG. Look for information on our other Go Green Projects in future editions of our blog. Register to get entertaining semi-weekly blog updates from our team with video links and articles at: [email protected]
Other projects for 2019 include the Sustainability “Solutions” Summit conference on the Island of Maui in 2019.
Look for the Go Green Institute Eco Village project in late 2019. We are building an Eco Village of the Future in Hawaii to demonstrate a living sustainability village in action with 100% renewable energy, advanced micro-grid, zero emissions electric vehicles, advanced tropical building designs, integrative & holistic medical center, full water catchment and management systems, 99 acres of organic bio-dynamic permaculture food forest and diversified agriculture, and a sustainability education conference center to host concerts, lectures, and conferences of up to 550 attendees or 450 Summit Delegates. More Go Green news coming soon.