Glutathione plays an active role in cancer prevention and treatment. Dr Montaigner, an expert on the negative medical effects of oxidative stress, in his book[i], discusses the various medical benefits of GSH, in cancers, AIDS and neurodegenerative diseases.
On Chapter 42 of Dr. Montaigner’s book, dietary whey protein, a proven source of GSH was reported to prevent the initiation of cancer[ii] as well as prevent tumor progression[iii].
Dr. Luc Montagnier was the winner of the 2008 Nobel
Prize in Medicine for his co-discovery of the HIV virus with Francoise Barre-Sinoussi in 1983. He is also the
co-founder of the World Foundation for AIDS Research and Prevention. Dr Bounous summarized this paper by stating that the antitumor effect of this dietary whey protein may be due to the increased GSH levels in normal cells[iv],[v].
Clinical studies by Dr Tozer documented that dietary whey protein, patients with cancer of the lungs had a mean increase of 2.5% body weight while casein-treated patients lost 2.6% (P=0.049) [vi]. Also noted was an increase in survival, hand grip force and quality of life[vii].
Increase in body weight in children with cancer treated with this dietary whey protein, was also reported by Paul et al.[viii]
Dr Kelly reported that in preliminary studies, antioxidant status may affect chemotherapy tolerance in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia[ix].
This dietary whey protein, a proven source of GSH, may help to reduce gastrointestinal toxicities of chemotherapy and radiation[x]
Dr Tsai studied a potential anticancer drug, called baicalein, reporting that a dietary whey protein enhanced the cytotoxicity of baicalein by inducing more cancer cell death[xi].
Kennedy in 1995 documented that this dietary whey protein, made cancer cells more vulnerable to chemotherapy[xii].
In his research paper, Dr Baruchel reported that dietary whey protein concentrate inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells[xiii].
Papenburgh and his colleagues documented that this dietary whey protein, inhibited the development as well as the progression of cancer cells[xiv] in urogenital cancers[xv], in prostate cancer by Dr Bounous[xvi].
This dietary whey protein is a clinically proven efficacious source of GSH. Other info on it is listed here[xvii]. This natural supplement is antiviral which may be related to its glutathione promoting activity[xviii].
A Method-of-Use Patent means that a product is guaranteed to do what it claims to do. The Weigh Protein Concentrate has a special patent issued by the US Patent Office entitled “Anti-cancer therapeutic compositions containing whey protein concentrate”[xix]
To successfully increase your GSH level, visit our webpage for more information. Register as a consultant for the greatest discount for each and every product:!
- [i] Montaigner, L, Olivier and R, Pasquet, C; Oxidative Stress in cancer, AIDS, and Neurodegenerative Diseases. 1998. Pub Marcel Dekker, Inc.
- [ii] Bounous G., Papenburg R., Kongshavn P.A., Gold P., Fleiszer D. Dietary Whey Protein Inhibits The Development Of Dimethylhydrazine Induced Malignancy; Clin Invest Med. Jun;11(3) :213-7 (1988)
- [iii] Papenburg R., Bounous G., Fleiszer D., Gold P. Dietary Milk Proteins Inhibit The Development Of Dimethylhydrazine-Induced Malignancy; Tumour Biol.11(3) :129-36 (1990).
- [iv] Bounous G, Batist G, Gold P; Whey proteins in cancer prevention; Cancer Lett. 1991 May 1;57(2):91-4.
- [v] Bounous G., Molson J. The Antioxidant System; Anticancer Research 23: 1411-1416 (2003)
- [vi] Tozer R., Tai P., Falconer W., Ducruet T., Karabadjian A., Bounous G., Molson JH., Dröge W. Cysteine-Rich Protein Reverses Weight Loss in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy; Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. Vol. 10, No. 2, 395-402, 2008.
- [vii] Tozer R., Tai P., Falconer W., Ducruet T., Karabadjian A., Bounous G., Molson JH., Dröge W. Cysteine-Rich Protein Reverses Weight Loss in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy; Antioxidants & Redox Signaling. Vol. 10, No. 2, 395-402, 2008.
- [viii] Paul C. Rogers, MB ChB, MBA, Steven J. Melnick, MD, PhD, Elena J. Ladas, MS, Jacqueline Hamilton, MD, Jacques Baillargeon, PhD, and Nancy Sacks, MS; Children’s Oncology Group (COG) Nutrition Committee; Pediatr Blood Cancer, 50:447-450(2008)
- [ix] Kelly KM; Bringing evidence to complementary and alternative medicine in children with cancer: Focus on nutrition-related therapies; Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2008 Feb;50(2 Suppl):490-3
- [x] Kelly KM; Bringing evidence to complementary and alternative medicine in children with cancer: Focus on nutrition-related therapies; Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2008 Feb;50(2 Suppl):490-3
- [xi] Tsai WY, Chang, H, Chen CH, Lu FJ; Enchancing effect of patented whey protein isolate (Immunocal) on cytotoxicity of an anticancer drug; Nutr Cancer. 2000; 38(2):200-8.
- [xii] Kennedy RS, Konok GP, Bounous G, Baruchel S, Lee TD. The use of a whey protein concentrate in the treatment of patients with metastatic carcinoma: a phase I-II clinical study. Anticancer Res. 1995 Nov-Dec;15(6B):2643-9.
- [xiii] Baruchel S, Viau G. In vitro selective modulation of cellular glutathione by a humanized native milk protein isolate in normal cells and rat mammary carcinoma model. Anticancer Res. 1996 May-Jun;16(3A):1095-9.
- [xiv] Papenburg R., Bounous G., Fleiszer D., Gold P. Dietary Milk Proteins Inhibit The Development Of Dimethylhydrazine-Induced Malignancy; Tumour Biol.11(3):129-36 (1990).
- [xv] Bounous G; Whey protein concentrate (WPC) and glutathione modulation in cancer treatment; Anticancer Res. 2000 Nov-Dec; 20(6C):4785-92.
- [xvi] Bounous G., Beer D. Molecular Pathogenesis and Prevention of Prostate Cancer; Anticancer Research 24: 553-554 (2004.
- [xvii]
- [xviii] Baruchel S, Olivier R, Wainberg M. Anti-HIV and Anti_Apoptotic Activity of the Whey Protein Concentrate: Immunocal; Presented at the International Conference on AIDS; int. Conf. AIDS Aug. 7-12, 1994.
- [xix]
Jimmy Gutman, Glutathione: Its Role in Cancer & Anticancer Therapy